POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN (with a focus on Scotland) |
March 2013 |
Status/Comment |
Creation of new website in March 2013 at www.polishforcesinbritain.info Transfer of material from www.ostrycharz.free-online.co.uk to new web site. Old site still exists as at March 2013 Updating of links and numerous revisions to many of the transferred web pages.
Up to 22nd March New 1. Creation of page devoted to casualties of the 9th Rifle Battalion (1943-1947) 2. Revised Updates page. 3. Translation of military terms.
23 March New Added new page Polonica in Coupar Angus (1 p.a.c.) (to complete) http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaCouparAngus.htm
25 March New Added new page Polonica in Alyth (to complete) http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaAlyth.htm Added new external web link to RCAHMS on main Polonica page (PolonicaWW2.htm) to the Polish paintings discovered in Arbroath (ex Marine Ballroom)
29th March Update to www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaGeneralMaczek.htm The Right Honourable Lord Fraser of Carmyllie Q.C. launch of the Campaign for a Memorial to General Maczek in the Edinburgh Meadows. Campaign launched at the New Club in Princes St, Edinburgh on 28th March 2013.
Added new external link to Duff House, Banff on main Polonica page. Added new external link to The Cromarty Archive on main Polonica page. Added new external link to The Scottish War Memorials Project on main Polonica page. Added new external link to Invergordon Museum and Invergordon’s links with the Polish Army on main Polonica page. Added new external link to The Scottish War Memorials Project on main Polonica page and the Polish Army (Tank Training Centre) link with Kinross. Added new external link to the Kirriemuir Heritage Trust on main Polonica page and the Polish Army 1940-1941. Added new external link to The Scottish War Memorials Project on main Polonica page and religious item given by 1st MAC. Added new external link to The Catholic Church of the Chapel Royal, Falkland on main Polonica page and to the religious item given to the Church by Polish paratroopers.
30th March Added new external link to The Scottish War Memorials Project and the Polish Memorial Pillar at Leven in Fife on main Polonica page. Added new external link to Fife Council Museums and to their Polish Military Collection on main Polonica Page/Museums. Added new external link to http://www.geograph.org.uk/ and image of Mosaic in St Andrews, Fife to main Polonica page. Added new external link to Traces of War.com and image of bust of General Sikorski at St Andrews, Fife to main Polonica page.
31st March Updated http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/polonicadouglas.htm with link to http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaGeneralMaczek.htm
Added new external link to The Scottish War Memorials Project and the plaque given by the 3rd Armoured Regiment to Kelso on main Polonica page. Added new external link to Geograph.org and the plaque presented to Forfar by the 10th Recce Gp in 1942 on main Polonica page. Added additional external link (http://www.griffon.clara.net/19/master.htm) to main Polonica page and the plaque at Balnageith Added locations of various other Polonica to Polonica main page. Work to be completed on details of these items. |
Transfer of website to new host and major re-formatting of site. Transfer and updating nearly completed, except for Polish Links and a few other details, e,g. images still to be uploaded. New web pages are as follows :-
Polonica in Scotland http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaWW2.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaBiggar.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaElieEarlsferry.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaForfar.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaColours9RifleBtl.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaColours9thLancers.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaPrestwick.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaCoatbridge.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/polonicadouglas.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/BlackBarony.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaDunsrev.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaGeneralMaczek.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaRenfrew.htm
Polish War Graves - Scotland http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PWGMain.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/Wellshillmain.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PWGAberdeenshiretoAyrshire.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PWGBerwickshiretoDumfriesshire.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PWGFifetoGlasgow.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolishWarGravesInvernesstoPeebles.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PWGRenfrewshiretoWigtownshire.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/WellshillRegisterAtoG.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/WellshillRegisterHtoL.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/WellshillRegisterMtoP.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/WellshillRegisterRtoZ.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/polishwargravesedinburghcorstorphinehillccemeteryatol.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/edinburghcorstorphinehillCcemeteryMtoR.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PWGedinburghcorstorphinehillcemeterystoz.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolishWarGravesMtVernonEdinburgh.htm
Files PWGWellshill A to Gpdf.pdf
Polish War Graves in NW Europe http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PWGinNWEurope.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/9BScasualties.htm
Polish Forces in Britain with a focus on Scotland http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/ http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/polishnavymain.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/OB.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/Locations.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolishArmyUnits.htm (under construction) http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolishWomen.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolishRanks.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolishAirForce.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/Sources.htm http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/Translmilterms.htm
Miscellanaeous http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/Updates.htm |
April 2013 |
May 2013 |
13th April New Added 128 names, together with the British equivalent ranks, of the fallen of 1st and 2nd Armoured Regiments to Polonica in Duns page. http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaDunsrev.htm
14th April Additions and amendments to PolonicaAlyth page - http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaAlyth.htm
16th April Further small amendments and additions to PolonicaAlyth page (work in progress)
17th April New Added new web page www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaEastendHouse.htm (to complete)
20th April New Established links to a number of external websites featuring items of Polonica from main Polonica page - http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaWW2.htm These included: Dundee (WWII), additional University of Edinburgh link regarding the Polish Faculty of Medicine, Edinburgh, Calton Cemetery, A. Gregorowicz (19C), Edinburgh, Warriston Cemetery, F. Janiewicz Composer and Violinist, (19C) Edinburgh, Warriston Cemetery, Count W. Krasiński, Edinburgh, 10 Warriston Crescent Plaque (Chopin’s stay) (20C), Glasgow (20C) St Simon’s RC Church, Polish Memorial Stone, Kirkcaldy SPK Katyn Memorial.
21st April Established a further links to external websites featuring items of Polonica from main Polonica page - http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaWW2.htm Glasgow, Necropolis, Lt Gomoszyński to Blairgowrie and the Scottish War Memorials Project which features a photo of the marble plaque given to the town by the Polish Armoured Troops based in the area.
22nd April Established further external links : to the Carfin Grotto in Scotland. Two Polish memorials are to be found there. to the Imperial War Museum in London (Polish photographic and moving film collection) [Museums] to the NAC – Poland [Sources]
25th April Added images/text to PolonicaBiggar.htm Revised PolonicaAlyth.htm New Added a new web page - PolonicaAberdeen.htm and added link in PolonicaWW2.htm Added a new web page about Galashiels and the stained glass windows made by Adam Bunsch –at http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaGalashielschurch.htm as well as external links and added link in PolonicaWW2.htm
26th April New Added a new web page – about the former Paderewski Hospital, Edinburgh at PolonicaPaderewskiHosp.htm including external links and link in PolonicaWW2.htm
28th April New Added a new web page about the Polish plaque at the Robert Douglas Memorial School, Scone, Perthshire and link in PolonicaWW2.htm File - PolonicaScone.htm
29th April New Added a new web page about the Sanctuary Lamp given by the 1st Corps Recce Gp to St John the Baptist’s RC Church in Perth. Added a link to the Forestry Commission and the Polish presence at Tentsmuir, Fife in the PolonicaWW2.htm page.
30th April Minor additions and modifications to PolonicaAlyth.htm |
PROJECTED MAY 2013 Polonica :-
Polish Armed Forces :-
Work started on March to April 1946.
COMPLETED MAY 2013 1st May New Added new page PolonicaKingskettle.htm about the Polish memorial in the church at Kingskettle, along with link in main PolonicaWW2 page.
Amendment Created new link to Polska Misja Katolicka w Szkocji (Polish Catholic Mission in Scotland) to photos of St Simon’s both internal and external. http://www.kosciolwszkocji.org/glasgow-i-motherwell/st-simon/pictures
3rd May New Added a new page PolonicaPeebles.htm (including external links) about the Polish Tribute that took place on Friday 29th August 1997 along with the dedication of a memorial at the Hydro Hotel. New page added about the Polish gift to Galashiels by the 10th Field Ambulance. Polonica10FdAmb.htm New page added about the icon of Our Lady of Ostrobrama gifted to the Church by the 3rd Parachute Battalion. PolonicaFalklandPalace.htm The original external ink substituted by new page and the original external link now included within the page. Added an external link about the Polish Chaplain – Father Misiuda.
4th May New Added a new page PolonicaStBrides.htm regarding the picture of Our lady of Czestochowa presented to the Church in 1941 by the 3rd Officers Cadre Rifle Brigade.
5th May New Added a new page PolonicaHaddington.htm regarding 10th Mounted Rifles Regiment and the marble plaque presented to the town by the Regiment. Added three external links including one to the 10 psk Museum at Łańcut.
6th May Fixed 2 broken links – Polish Navy Prestwick and Douglas Memorial Garden Added material to PolishArmyUnits.htm - Work in Progress Added link in PolonicaGeneralMaczek.htm page to Polish Ministry of National Defence site which featured photograph of events in Breda in October 2012.
7th May Added new link with text in PolonicaGalashielsChurch.htm to Devonia Parish in London and to image of one of the stain glass windows.
8th May Revised page PolonicaCouparAngus.htm Revised page PolonicaAlyth.htm Revised page PolonicaPaderewski.htm
14th May Added new page PolishNavypostwar1945.htm
16th May Added new information concerning the Scottish-Polish Society to CouparAngus and Alyth pages.
17th May Added image to PolonicaAlyth page and external link to an autograph book containing entries from Polish soldiers who found themselvs in Alyth.
18th May Added a new web page PolonicaCarstairs.htm including links. www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaCarstairs.htm
19th May Added text to PolonicaCouparAngus.htm
21st May Added new page – Casualties of the 8th Rifle Battaion (1st Polish Armoured Division) 1944-1947 www.polishforcesinbritain.info/8BScasualties.htm
27th May Updated PolishNavypostwar1945.htm page.
28th May PolishNavypostwar1946.htm – Post war activities, starting January 1946 mostly completed.
29th May PolishNavypostwar1946.htm – Completed January 1946 and commenced February-March 1946, still to complete.
30th May PolishNavypostwar1946.htm – Completed February-March 1946. |
Listing of urls as at 16th May 2013 9 Flanders Rifle Battalion Casualties 1943 to 1947 Former Black Barony Hotel, Eddleston, Scotland Locations of the Polish Army in Scotland during WWII M to R - POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN (Polish War Graves) Near Thankerton, Eastend House - POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN OB Polish Army in Scotland - POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN Polish Air Force in Scotland during World War Two (WWII) POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN (WITH A FOCUS ON SCOTLAND ... Polish Forces in Britain with a focus on Scotland Updates Polish Military Ranks of WWII - POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN Polish Military Units - POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN Polish Navy during WWII - POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN Polish Servicewomen in Scotland - POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN Polish War Graves Counties of Aberdeenshire, Angus and Ayrshire Polish War Graves Mt Vernon Cemetery Edinburgh Polish War Graves Wellshill Cemetery Names H-L Polish War Graves Wellshill Cemetery Register A to G Polish War Graves Wellshill Cemetery Register M to P Polonica Aberdeen, St Joseph's RC Church Polonica Coupar Angus, 1 Polish Medium Artillery Regiment (1 p.a.c.) Polonica Douglas 10 Cav Bde Polish Memorial Garden Polonica in Duns - POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN Polonica Paderewski Hoospital, Edinburgh (Western General) Plaque Polonica Register - POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN Register of Polish War Graves Edinburgh Corstorphine Hill ... Register of Polish War Graves in Scotland Berwickshire to ... Register of Polish War Graves in Scotland Fife to Glasgow Register of Polish War Graves in Scotland Inverness to Peebles Renfrew, Arkleston Cemetery - POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN S to Z - POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN (Polish War Graves) |
Listing of urls as at 16th May 2013 [PDF] to download - POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN (Polish War Graves) Click here to go to Alyth - Polish plaque and carved wooden shrine Edinburgh - POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN Falkland Chapel Royal - POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN Links to external Polish websites - POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN Polish Army in Britain in 1940 - POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN Polish War Graves in NW Europe - 9th Flanders Rifle Battalion Polish War Graves in Scotland - POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN Polish War Graves Wellshill Cemetery Register R to Z Polonica - Perth, St John the Baptist's RC Church - Sanctuary Lamp Polonica 9th Lancers Regiment from the City of Glasgow Polonica Biggar - POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN Polonica Coatbridge Colours 1 Fd Artillery Regiment Polonica Colours 9th Flanders Rifle Btl from Galashiels Polonica Cowdenbeath Our Lady and St Brides picture of Our Lady ... Polonica Elie Earlsferry 1 Pol Para Bde Polonica Forfar Metal Plaque - POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN Polonica Galashiels, Our Lady and St Andrew - Stain glass windows Polonica Haddington 10th Mounted Rifles Regiment Polonica in Renfrew - St James's RC Church - 309 Sqn Polonica Kingskettle, Memorial to Church from 1st Workshop Coy Polonica Peebles Tribute and Memorial stones Polonica Perth - POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN Polonica Polish gift to Galashiels from 10th Field Ambulance Polonica Polish Navy Memorial Prestwick Polonica Robert Douglas Memorial School, Scone - Polish Eagle SOURCES UK based Poland based Polish Institute and General ... Wellshillmain - POLISH FORCES IN BRITAIN (Polish War Graves) |
COMPLETED JUNE 2013 PolishNavypostwar1946.htm development of page to now include : March to April 1946 and April to May 1946, but only for activities of Polish ships.
6th Jun 2013 Additions made to PolonicaAlyth.htm
12th June Alterations to PolonicaAlyth page and uploaded new photograph of Poles from South America in the Diamond Jubilee Park.
13th June Additions to PolonicaCouparAngus page.
14th June Further additions to PolonicaCouparAngus page including 2 photographs.
18th June Additions made to PolonicaAlyth.htm
21st June Further additions to PolonicaCouparAngus page
26th June Further additions to PolonicaCouparAngus and PolonicaAlyth pages |
PROJECTED JUNE 2013 Polish Navy Continuation of work on PolishNavypostwar1946.htm |
Jul 2013 nil |
COMPLETED AUGUST 2013 9th August Updated Alyth page
14th August Added details of Polish war graves in Perthshire (excluding Wellshill Cemetery in new page: - www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolishWarGravesPerthshire.htm
18th August Updated page on Aberdeen
22nd August Updated information on the two soldiers buried at Airbles Cemetery, Motherwell. Updated information on the death of mar Gadomski, buried near Portee on the Isle of Skye. Both updates in PolishWarGravesInvernesstoPeebles page. |
PROJECTED AUGUST 2013 Update Polonica pages on Alyth and Coupar Angus. |
COMPLETED SEPTEMBER 2013 25th September Updated Polonica main page - http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaWW2.htm |
COMPLETED OCTOBER 2013 24th October Commencement of updates to Black Barony page. |
PROJECTED OCTOBER 2013 Update Polonica page on Black Barony |
COMPLETED NOVEMBER 2013 6th November Updated information about the deaths of two Polish soldiers who are buried in Arbroath Eastern Cemetery, viz. kpl J Lis and st strz W Opioło. See web page :- http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PWGAberdeenshiretoAyrshire.htm
10th November Added to Alyth page a section on Remembrance and a summary of the obituary of the Commandant of the P.M.S.K. – Ewa Miszewska. |
COMPLETED JANUARY 2014 16th January Added new page to Polonica in Scotland Polonica in Arbroath See http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaArbroath.htm 22nd January Updated Polish locations of 1st Polish Armd Div in January 1943
24th January Added Table 1A (January 1942) in LOCATIONS
30th January British Medals and Awards to soldiers of 1st Polish Armoured Division (work in progress) See http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/BritMD1PAD.htm British Medals and Awards to soldiers of 1st Polish Independent Parachute Brigade (work in progress) See http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/BritMD1PIPB.htm British Medals and Awards to sailors of the Polish Navy and Polish Merchant Navy (work in progress) See http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/BritishAwardstoPolishNavy.htm |
PROJECTED JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2014 British Medals and Awards to soldiers of 1st Polish Armoured Division, 1st Polish Independent Parachute Brigade, and sailors of the Polish Navy & Polish Merchant Navy
Addition of Table 1A (January 1942) in LOCATIONS |
COMPLETED FEBRUARY 2014 7th February Added recommendations for officers and NCOs of the 9th Polish Inf Bn for Lt Bobula, RSM Lenczowski, Sjt Maj Cadet Mogilski, Lt Col Szydłowski. 22nd February Corrections to Decorations and Awards based on Wysocki’s published work added. Also added recommendations for DSO to Lt-Col Jan Dorantt – CE Polish Armd Div; MMs to L/Cpl Ciężak of the Indep MG Coy; S/Sgt Drygala of the 10th Dragoons; Cpl Budzynski of 1 Inf Bn (Highland); Sgt Fec of 3rd Inf Bde. |
PROJECTED MARCH 2014 Polonica – Carnoustie (and immediate area) and Scottish-Polish links |
COMPLETED MARCH 2014 7th March Completed page on Polonica in Carnoustie and gift of 10th Engineer Company. Includes Scottish-Polish links with Carnoustie and immediate area. See http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaCarnoustie.htm Added links to Polish Scottish Heritage, Mapa Scotland and English language Dutch site Polish War Graves. 15th March Added new information to Carnoustie web page. |
COMPLETED JULY 2014 19th July A register of works of art created by Polish artists while based in Scotland or associated with Scotland and the rest of Britain during WWII. Will Also include works by non-Polish artists where the subject matter related to Poland. Portfolio 1 completed at http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaPolishArt.htm Portfolio 2 (in progress) |
COMPLETED SEPTEMBER 2014 Added recommendation of Hon DSO to Maj Gen Maczek, then GOC 1st Polish Armoured Division. 9th September Added page on Polonica in Ormiston (Page is a work in progress). See http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaOrmiston.htm to 17th September Updates to Ormiston page 18th September Added a Google custom search to home page (index.htm) Added entry of Roxburgh Castle to Polonica listing Added information to Polonica, Galashiels (10 Fd Amb) |
MARCH 2015 12th March 2015 Added recommendations for the British Empire Medal for L/Sjt Sobiech, S/Sjt Zajdel and Sjt Grambor. 13th March 2015 Updated and corrected 1st Polish Armd Div page on Honours, Awards and Decorations 20th March 2015 Revised existing page about the plaque outside General Maczek’s former home. New page added about the General Stanislaw Maczek Memorial Trust See http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/GenMaczekMemorial.htm |
PROJECTED MARCH 2015 Complete new web page about information on the General Stanislaw Maczek Memorial Trust prepared. Revised existing page about the plaque outside the former home of the late General Maczek. |
APRIL 2015 Additions made to http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/GenMaczekMemorial.htm Including article from tydzień of 15 March 2015 and the recommendation to be made an Honorary Companion of the Distinguished Service Order (DSO). |
AUGUST 2015 16th August Updated and amended Polish Ranks page at |
NOVEMBER 2015 25th November Corrected, updated and amended British Honours and Awards to members of the Polish Navy and Polish Merchant Navy at http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/BritishAwardstoPolishNavy.htm |
DECEMBER 2105 20th December Added other recipients of wards, including those of the Polish Merchant Navy to http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/BritishAwardstoPolishNavy.htm 22nd December Edited, amended and updated links on page http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaWW2.htm |
JANUARY 2016 29th January Added further details of British awards to Polish Navy personnel in http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/BritishAwardstoPolishNavy.htm |
FEBRUARY 2016 Important note about changes to web pages dealing with Polish art, e.g. http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/PolonicaPolishArt.htm |
JUNE 2016 Added link to official website of the General Stanislaw Maczek Memorial Trust at www.generalmaczek.co.uk and adjusted home page as well as my unofficial web page about the Gen Maczek Memorial Trust 9th June Added pdf file of the web version of the leaflet produced by the General Stanislaw Maczek Memorial Trust.
APRIL 2017 |
17th April Added new page - Polish Army in the Defence of Scotland 1940-1944 at http://www.polishforcesinbritain.info/DefScotland.htm
For any comments please email robert@ostrycharz.free-online.co.uk |
Last modified 17th April 2017 |
Updates.htm |
© Copyright R M Ostrycharz 2014 |